Stress by definition is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” (Oxford) According to Psychology Today, stress refers to two things, 1. Being the psychological perspective on perceived pressure and the 2. Being the body’s response to it. Stress is caused by a stressful event that triggers the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause your blood pressure and sugar levels to prepare for action (attacking the threat). Although stress has its negative effects it is also essential for all living systems it is the way that they encounter and respond to challenges and uncertainties.
Even though stress can appear as a necessary evil it doesn’t have to be. There are ways to manage and to cope with stress when it arrives. Here are five ways to manage and cope with stress:

- Exercise regularly. Exercise can increase endorphins and act as a natural way to combat the negative effects of stress.
- Maintaining healthy eating habits. Often times, when we become stressed we break out healthy diets and crave carbs and sweets. Food like that can provide instant gratification but can cause some adverse health effects if eaten frequently.
- Practicing self-care routines such as taking a bubble bath or listening to music. Simply doing the things that relax you and bring you joy. Here is a mediation playlist that you can listen to help you relax:
4. Journal. Write out your thoughts on paper and get out all of your feelings and then set it aside. Don’t ruminate or obsess over it.
5. Change your perspective on the situation. If we take a more positive and relaxed outlook on life we can reduce the stress we experience.
I hope this blog post has helped you find positive ways to manage and cope with stress. With everything going on in the world, it is important to hold on to our positive coping skills and not ruminate in negative thoughts or the stresses of life.