Living with Joy

Living with Joy

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”- Tom Bodett

joy noun

\ ˈjȯi  \

1: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: DELIGHT

b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion: GAIETY

2: a state of happiness or felicity: BLISS

3: a source or cause of delight


When Circumstances seem they are out of our control or when things are not going in the right direction. We tend to blame this on bad luck.  I truly believe that 75% of situations are in our control. Once we realize that we are in control of our feelings and that we have the choice to select joy, or despair then we have taken the first step to creating a life full of deserved happiness.  

One thing we must have is the ability to view life in a positive perspective. One thing my mother has always reminded me is that through challenges you either learn a lesson or become stronger, and sometimes both.  We often at times allow outside factors intrude on our day to day activities. Instead of us changing the situation we allow the situation to change us. 


The most important lesson is that inner happiness and peace supersedes everything else. True inner happiness manifests into physical elements which can be seen by all. Your smile, a wave to a friend, a hug. Your happiness is contagious. It becomes something bigger than you. 

We create the life we want. There will always be moments of anger, joy, love, happiness, and sadness. But we have the ability to choose how we respond. Whether we wallow in sadness or choose to change what is making us feel this way.  We have the power to make our life full of joy and peace. It’s by assessing each situation individually, facing it head-on, and remembering this is one page, not the whole book. 

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